"The goal of a CME AWAY® conference by Sea Courses is to provide the very best opportunity for health care professionals to not only LEARN but to CONNECT with peers in a stimulating yet RELAXING environment."

Dr. Lydia Hatcher

Dr. Lydia Hatcher

Upcoming Conference(s):

Sandals Royal Barbados – October 18 – 25, 2025

Hong Kong to Singapore – March 24 – April 8, 2026

Specialties: Pain Management

About The Speaker

Dr. Hatcher graduated with her MD in 1982 from Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN).  In 1984, she received certification with the College of Family Physicians of Canada and in 1994, was certified with the Canadian College of Health Service Executives. In 2016 she became a Diplomate with the Canadian Academy of Pain Management. In 1998, Dr. Hatcher received the Canadian Psychiatric Association’s annual Mental Health Awareness Award. In 2001, the College of Family Physicians of Canada awarded her a fellowship.

Dr. Hatcher has been doing pain management for over 30 years. Her focus is on a bio-psycho-social approach to pain management. Dr. Hatcher has been a medical inspector for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario and Newfoundland and was Chief of Family Medicine at St Joesphs Healthcare, Hamilton, ON from 2013-2018.

She has held numerous leadership positions including, Past President of the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association, Board Member of the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), Chair GP Forum CMA and Director of Continuing Medical Education at MUN.

She is a member of the Canadian Pain Care Forum and was on the expert panel for the 2010 and 2017 Canadian Opioid Guideline.  She is a member of the Canadian Pain Society and the International Association for the Study of Pain. Dr. Hatcher is an Associate Clinical Professor of Family Medicine at both McMaster University and MUN.




