Dr. Seigel graduated from University of Toronto Medical School in 1986. She completed her paediatric residency at McMaster University and is currently an Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at McMaster University. Dr. Seigel has had a consulting paediatric practice in Dundas since 1990 seeing a large range of general paediatric issues including a large number of children with behavioural/learning and mental health difficulties. Since 1995, she have been the paediatrician in the SIS (Special Immunology Services) Clinic at Hamilton Health Sciences taking care of HIV positive children and adolescents as well as infants of HIV positive mothers. Dr. Seigel was a member of the CAAP (Child Advocacy and Assessment Program) team from 1998-2020 assessing infants and children being assessed for possible child maltreatment. She also supervised paediatric residents in the Refuge clinic in Hamilton which sees children who are new immigrants or refugees after their arrival to Canada. Dr. Seigel was deputy chief in the Division of General Paediatrics at St. Joseph’s Healthcare in Hamilton from 2006-2019. She continues to be a staff paediatrician at St. Joseph’s Healthcare working in the level 2 B nursery. St Joseph’s sees a large number of infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)/ Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS) and in addition to caring for those infants in hospital, she is one of the paediatricians who continues to follow them in our NAS?NOWS follow up clinic. Dr. Seigel was the recipient of the 2020 Sister Joan O’Sullivan award from St. Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton and the recipient of the 2021 Medical Staff Association Humanitarian Award from Hamilton Health Sciences.