Departing May 18th, 2025 - May 25th, 2025
Bermuda is a world apart from where you begin in New Jersey. Let Celebrity show you Bermuda’s many charms, with blissful days at sea to unwind on either side of your time on this fascinating island.
Round Trip
7 Nights
2 Ports
3 At Sea Days
2 Overnights
Inquire About This ConferenceCardiology
Dr. Michael Heffernan is a staff cardiologist at the Oakville Trafalgar Hospital. He obtained his honours bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Genetic Engineering from Mc Master University in 1987. He then successfully pursued a Ph.D. in the department of Medical Genetics at the University of Toronto. Dr. Heffernan completed Internal Medicine and Cardiology training at the University of Toronto. He is a Staff Cardiologist at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and is also the Director of the Oakville Hospital Heart Function Clinic and the Medical Director of Research at Halton Healthcare. In addition, Dr. Heffernan is a Director of Oakville Cardiologists, a partner of Oakville Cardiovascular Research LP, and is an Assistant Clinical Professor at McMaster University. Dr. Heffernan’s research activities have been widely published in academic and peer-reviewed journals including the New England Journal of Medicine.
Family Practice
Dr. Kevin Saunders is a family physician in Winnipeg. He completed his medical training at the University of Manitoba in 1985 and has practiced in Winnipeg since then. In addition to his family medicine practice, he is also the medical director of The Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks General Hospital and an attending physician at Middlechurch and River East Nursing Homes.
Dr Saunders has participated in extensive phase III clinical trial research with new pharmaceutical agents over the past thirty years. His special interest areas include diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and vascular diseases (both primary and secondary prevention). At the Wellness Institute he was involved in developing the cardiac rehab program and the diabetes education programs. Dr Saunders has a special interest in family physician CME and has been extensively involved in CME development and facilitation over many years. Dr Saunders is a past president of the medical staff at Seven Oaks General Hospital, a past chair of the Section of Family Practice of Doctors Manitoba, and a past president of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba.
Cruise, Land, Resort must be booked through CME AWAY®.
This course is designed for family physicians, specialists, and allied health care professionals. The aim is to provide evidence-based material, as well as practical and relevant clinical pearls that will be easy to implement into one’s own medical practice. Conference attendees will be invited to complete a pre-course Needs Assessment to assist the faculty with the development of their presentations.
Conference Tuition | Price |
FP | $1445 |
Specialist | $1445 |
Resident, Retired, NP, RN, PA, Other | $1245 |
Conference Tuition | Book Before September 1st, 2024 | Book After September 1st, 2024 |
FP | $1295 | $1445 |
Specialist | $1295 | $1445 |
Resident, Retired, NP, RN, PA, Other | $1095 | $1245 |